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Members remain covered while nib and St Vincent's work through negotiations

nib Group has reassured members booked in for treatment at a St Vincent’s hospital that they are covered as usual, until at least October 3, while negotiations with the hospital group continue.

“There are no immediate changes to cover that would affect our members,” said nib Chief Executive and Managing Director, Mark Fitzgibbon.

“Treatment can go ahead for any member with a booking, and in some cases for some months after termination of an agreement with the hospital, if that occurs.”

In that event, some cover will remain in place for longer. Treatment started before October 3 will continue until discharge. A pre-booked pregnancy and birth will be covered until July 2025. Rehabilitation, mental health, oncology, and renal services, started on or before October 3, 2024, will be covered until April 2025.

Mr Fitzgibbon said nib has a long-term relationship with St Vincent’s and hopes negotiations resume. He said nib is focused on delivering value for members.
nib maintains contracts with over 90% of all private hospitals and medical facilities nationwide.

Members can call 13 16 42, opens in a new tab for further information or visit nib’s website:, opens in a new tab.

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