Some winters can feel like one long illness as children get sick time and time again. It's impossible to prevent illness altogether, but there are steps you can take to keep the whole family as well as possible.
What are some common winter childhood illnesses?
Most common winter childhood illnesses are caused by viruses. These include the common cold, flu, RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) and bronchiolitis; a viral chest infection most common in babies under six months.
Most cases are mild and can be treated with rest at home, but very occasionally there can be complications like ear infection, laryngitis or croup.
We are also seeing a rise in whooping cough – a serious and very contagious bacterial infection – perhaps because many routine vaccinations were missed at the height of the pandemic.
Sickness in a childcare setting
If carers suspect your child has an infectious illness, they will probably ask you to collect them as soon as possible in the hope of preventing an outbreak. They may also ask for a medical certificate to confirm that your child is no longer infectious before they return to care.
Why illnesses spread faster in childcare
The viruses that cause common illnesses are spread by sneezes, coughs, physical contact and touching contaminated surfaces. In cold weather, children are more likely to be in close contact as they spend more time indoors and viruses can stay in the air and on surfaces for longer and kids’ resistance to these illnesses may be lower. It would also come as no surprise that our kids have poorer hygiene practices – using their sleeves, arms or hands to wipe their nose and not bothering to cover their mouth when coughing or sneezing.
How to help your kid avoid getting sick this winter
The most effective thing you can do to protect your child is ensure they’re up to date with their immunisations. If someone at a childcare centre has an illness that can be prevented by immunisation, children who haven’t been immunised won’t be able to attend.
What to do if your child comes home sick
Antibiotics don’t work against viruses, so you’ll need to focus on keeping your child comfortable. Treat any pain with the recommended dose of paracetamol, never aspirin, and encourage them to rest and drink plenty of fluids. Saline nasal drops may help to ease a blocked nose.
Minimising sickness in your household
Encourage the whole family to help prevent viruses spreading from person to person.
Wash your hands with warm soapy water after sneezing, coughing and blowing your nose.
Cough into your elbow.
Don’t share cups or cutlery with someone who is unwell.
Throw tissues away as soon as you’ve used them and wash your hands afterwards.
While it’s impossible to avoid illness entirely, taking proactive steps can help keep the entire family healthier during the cooler months. For more tips on staying healthy this winter, check out our flu article series, starting with debunking some common flu myths and everything you need to know about this year’s flu shot.
The information in this article is general information and should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. Do not use the information found on this page as a substitute for professional health care advice. Any information you find on this page or on external sites which are linked to on this page should be verified with your professional healthcare provider.