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Hip hip hooray it’s nibGive's 1st birthday!

Two nib employees volunteering
Two nib employees volunteering

This week marks one year since our corporate volunteering program nibGive launched and what a big year it's been!

In just 12 months, 137 nib employees have already committed over 770 hours' worth of volunteering to eight incredible charity partners across Australia.

Yes, nib's employee have been busy #makingtheworldabetterplace!

Our volunteer opportunities ranged from unique skilled opportunities with the University of Newcastle to test the suitability of their app-based resources for the SWAP-IT program, to sending 22 employees from both Newcastle and Auckland to prepare meals for families staying at Ronald McDonald House.

nib's senior Marketing Campaign Manager, Breanne Sheriff was generous enough to volunteer her time and resources to participate in a workshop with our partner Smiling Mind.

The aim of the workshop was to provide Smiling Mind with marketing support for their strategy when building the new Healthy Habits for Healthy Minds adult mindfulness meditation program.

We're looking forward to teaming up with more of our partners for another year of nibGive'n!

An organisation like Smiling Mind has really bold ambitions to be able to bring mindfulness to the masses, but adamantly believes this should be available for free, so the support we are able to give them through nib foundation helps them to achieve this goal. "It makes me really proud to work at nib where I can see we are making a difference to the wellbeing of Australians by partnering with awesome organisations such as Smiling Mind.

Bree Sherriff, Content Marketing Manager.