Changing drinking habits with Hello Sunday Morning
Meet Shea, who has made changes to his drinking habits with the help of Hello Sunday Morning.
Meet Shea, a physio and father living in Melbourne who made the decision to quit drinking alcohol for one year. With the help of Hello Sunday Morning’s Daybreak app and alcohol and wellbeing self-assessment tool, Shea was able to better understand his relationship with alcohol and find support through a like-minded community of people looking to make changes to their drinking habits.
nib foundation has proudly supported Hello Sunday Morning since 2017, and we’ve recently partnered to launch their new Drink Tracker - a science-backed brief intervention tool to help you track your alcohol consumption. It also provides you with the opportunity to set personal alcohol behaviour change goals and measure your individual progress. Download the Daybreak app to access this new and useful monitoring tool. Â
Interested in finding out more about your own drinking habits? Take the Alcohol and Wellbeing Self-assessment today.

Cancer Council NSW is developing a first of its kind vaping support program to help young people
nib foundation and Cancer Council NSW are partnering together to develop a new national, online platform that will offer young people information, support and evidence-based services to help them quit vaping.

My Drink Check helps combat risky drinking
Hello Sunday Morning has launched an online tool to help you assess your drinking habits and protect your health.
Daybreak app more than halves alcohol use in three months
With our funding support, Hello Sunday Morning partnered with the National Drug Research Institute (NDRI) at Curtin University to evaluate the effectiveness of their Daybreak program after three months use.