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Clontarf Foundation

Aboriginal Health Partner

Clontarf male representative with a group of First Nations boys in front of Ayers Rock




April 2020 - April 2021

About Clontarf Foundation

The Clontarf Foundation (Clontarf) exists to help young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men develop the values, skills and abilities that will assist them to transition into meaningful employment and achieve better life outcomes.

They operate academies in 132 high schools across Australia which feature various sporting, educational, health, wellbeing and nutrition programs that encourage positive decision-making when it comes to health, fitness, employment and educational lifestyle choices.

The project

Our funding will support 300 young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men to participate in four Clontarf academies in NSW. By tapping into the existing passion that these young men have for sport, Clontarf engages the students to attend the school-based programs, which in turn encourages school attendance.
Working in partnership with teachers, parents and the community, the academy is designed to meet the needs of each individual student, in a culturally appropriate setting. The programs focus on five key areas to encourage positive decision-making and healthy behaviours: Education, Leadership, Employment, Wellbeing and Sport.

By exposing the students to as many experiences, activities, environments, social settings and people as possible the academy helps broaden their thinking about what life may hold for them in the future.

The impact

Supporting Clontarf has positive effects for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and is a step towards 'closing the gap' in education, employment, health and criminal offending.

School retention rates for program participants are higher with a 90% average retention rate, with the average school attendance rate at 79%. In addition, more Clontarf participants will finish their studies with a projected 850 Clontarf participants to complete Year 12 this year compared to 613 in 2019.

Providing targeted health information and nutrition sessions, as well as access to local health providers also enables an average of 79% of eligible Clontarf participants to receive an annual health check, with the health routine increasing the chances of seeking medical help in the future if the men or their family need it.

Through these shared social and cultural connections and targeted health programs, we hope to improve the education, discipline, life skills, self-esteem and employment prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and by doing so equip them to participate more meaningfully in society.

Looking to learn more about the Clontarf Foundation?

Check out the Clontarf Foundation's website to find out more.