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Jemma O'Hanlon

Jemma O’Hanlon is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist who inspires Aussies to transform fresh produce into easy, delicious meals. She believes that if we embrace food with gratitude, enjoy our meals mindfully and maintain an active lifestyle, we can be healthier and happier. When she’s not in the kitchen Jemma loves to run and enjoys chilling at the beach.

Woman holding take away food

A little junk food is fine, right?

We look at why junk food is bad for our health

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Healthy Eating Tips
A senior woman smiles as she cooks over a pan in the kitchen

Intuitive eating: What is it and can it help me lose weight?

Tap into intuitive eating for a healthy body and mind

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A young woman smiles as she bites into half an orange

Healthy ways to reach your daily energy (kj) requirements

Calculate your daily energy requirements for optimal health

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A young woman playing netball looks towards the camera smiling

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